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How to create and publish Policies
How to create and publish Policies
Written by Anthony Marshi
Updated over a week ago

1Fort makes it easy for organization's to implement security policies, like a Business Continuity Plan. We provide auditor-approved Policy templates for you to easily leverage, but you can also upload your own. From there, we help you enforce them by sending an email notification to each assigned employee to review and accept them.

Follow the steps below to create and publish a Policy:

  1. Navigate to the Risk Monitoring screen from the top menu

  2. Navigate to the Policies tab from the menu on the right

  3. Click on the Upload Policy button in the top right corner

  4. Input policy details (include the name of the policy, the content, and policy owner)

  5. Define the Groups this policy applies to. You can define the users in the group from the Groups screen.

  6. Once completed and ready for publishing, change the status to Publish and click on Save and Publish

  7. 1Fort will send out an emails to each user in the assigned Group to have them review and accept the policy. You can keep track of the policy’s acceptance progress on the Policies screen.

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